Saturday, February 20, 2016

Weekend Waffles!

I don't recall when I started this little, personal tradition...but I make and eat waffles on Saturday! It's a little treat I give myself for being so disciplined and healthy (most of the time) during the week. It also gives me something to look forward to! I often joke with my friends – and now they all know as well – that “as long as I get to have my waffle on Saturday, I'm fine”! Nothing else seems too stressful or too big in comparison to my little treat!

Today, I took some extra steps to make Banana Walnut Waffles! I actually had a very ripe banana that was hanging on for dear life (and those bananas are the best for mashing into recipes). So, I did just that and blended it into the pancake batter – then topped it off with sliced bananas and walnuts. Here's the photo of my plate, which almost looks too good to eat, but I did!

Waffles on weekends is another one of “life's little luxuries” that I've grown to enjoy!  I also always make a pretty plate to eat from as an added bonus!

And...once I come down from euphoria, it's time to hit the treadmill! :-)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Little Luxuries...A Cupcake!
The saying "It's the little things in life that make life special" is certainly a true statement!  And it's those same little things that can brighten any day.  I personally love cupcakes! Talk about a simple, little luxury! Cupcakes are inexpensive, yet most can be decorated to fit any theme, color, occasion or need!  The best part:  you can make them at home - or purchase a single or a dozen.  But, it only takes one to bring a smile to someone's face!

Here are a few of my favorite decorated cupcakes!  Of course, I favor the ones that reflect a girlie or beauty theme because that is a reflection of my personal taste and lifestyle.  I hope these give you some ideas for your next party, shower or gift....or just to enjoy as a simple little luxury for yourself!

xoxo, Vanessa